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Learning content references

Below you can find references for all of our learning content.

Welcome to Hurd

From Crisis to Power

  1. Lovins, Hunter (President of Natural Capital Solutions), Video Interview with Kite Insights (2023).
  2. Earth4All, 'The Five Extraordinary Turnarounds' (undated).
  3. Project Drawdown, Job Function Action Guides, Climate Solutions at Work (updated: 2025).
  4. Dixon-Paver, Sandrine (Co-President of the Club of Rome), Video Interview with Kite Insights (2023).
  5. Clemente, Antoine (Software Developer and Hurd Changemaker), Video Interview with Kite Insights (2024).
I’m in Human Resources – What can I do?

Lesson 1: Upskilling your colleagues

  1. Kite Insights, ‘Every job is a climate job: Why corporate transformation needs climate literacy’, Updated: 2023.
  2. Ibid.
  3. Sharp, Rachel, ‘Tackling our climate emergency: HR’s role’, HR Magazine, 15 July 2019. 
  4. Schneider Electric, ‘Schneider Electric’s first Sustainability School opens for enrolment’, 22 May 2023.
  5. Ibid.  

Lesson 2: Incentivising action

  1. WWF (2013). WWF UK Policy: Position Statement on Business Travel. Available at: 
  2. Ro, Christine, ‘Smart Travel: Some firms give more time off to those who shun plane travel’,, 17 September 2019.
  3. Home’, Climate Perks website (
  4. Wynes, S. and Nicholas, K. A., ‘The climate mitigation gap: education and government recommendations miss the most effective individual actions’, Environ. Res. Lett. 12 074024, 2017.

Lesson 3: Leveraging pensions

  1. Statista Research Department, ‘Investments of pension funds in the United Kingdom (UK) 2006-2021', May 16, 2023.
  2. Sheppard, Emma, ‘The all-female, grassroots network moving millions away from fossil fuels’, Positive News, 25 August 2023.
  3. Make My Money Matter, ‘The Green Pensions Guide: For organisations committed to Making their Money Matter’, 2021.
  4. Foye, Lauren, ‘Employers neglecting green pensions: 70% of employees want their retirement fund invested sustainably, yet 1 in 5 employers have never heard of ‘green pensions’’, Zero Carbon Academy, 18 October 2022.
  5. Make My Money Matter, 'Want to know where your pension goes? Meet Oblivia Coalmine', Updated: 2024.
  6. Haurant, Sandra, ‘Green your pension: How you can help the environment’, The Guardian, 4 October 2022.
  7. Make My Money Matter, ‘The Green Pensions Guide: For organisations committed to Making their Money Matter’, 2021.
  8. Ibid.

Lesson 4: Hiring tomorrow’s climate champions

  1. Parmelee, M. et al., ‘How climate has become a key player in the fight for talent’, World Wildlife Fund, 9 February 2022; De Buitleir, Daithi, ‘Employees, cost and profit: Here’s why “green companies” are winning’, Wayleadr, 21 June 2022.
  2. Careers’: Become an Interfacer, Inferface website (  
  3. Retail assistant: Patagonia’, Ethical Jobs website, posted: 27 June 2023.
  4. The intersections between climate and diversity, equity and inclusion’, WTW, 26 April 2023.

Lesson 5: Creating a green team

  1. Kite Insights, ‘Every job is a climate job: Why corporate transformation needs climate literacy’, Updated: 2023.​
  2. Wilkinson, Drew, ‘The critical role of employee sustainability communities and how to build one’,Green Tech Blog, 18April 2023. ​
  3. Ibid.​
  4. Bergen, Mark, & Day, Matt, ‘Big tech helps big oil pump more, belying climate pledges’,Bloomberg, 16 August 2022.​
  5. Wilkinson, Drew, ‘The critical role of employee sustainability communities and how to build one’,Green Tech Blog, 18April 2023.

Lesson 6: Dealing with Climate Anxiety

  1. Lertzman, Renée, ‘How to turn climate anxiety into action’, Ted Women 2019. 
  2. Schechter, David, et al., ‘As climate changes, climate anxiety rises in youth’, March 2023.
  3. Greenhalgh, Tim, ‘Eco anxiety in the workplace’, SaveMoneyCutCarbon.
  4. Ibid.
  5. Richards, Lauren, ‘Flavours for change: How Ben and Jerry’s uses ice cream names for activism’, 3 November 2022.


Where do I start? Learning about my organisation
  1. Ramkumar, Amrith, Ballard, Ed, & Shifflett, Shane (2023), 'Companies stall climate action despite earlier promises'. Wall Street Journal, 19 September.
  2. Cummis, Cynthia (2015).'This is leadership: Why companies are setting emissions goals based on science'. Science-based Targets Initiative: 20 May.​
  3. IRENA, 'Renewable Power Remains Cost-Competitive amid Fossil Fuel Crisis', Press Releases, 13 July 2022.​
  4. United Nations, 'Renewable energy – Powering a safer future', Climate Action.​
  5. Timmerman, Kris & Pollmann-Larsen, Matias (2023).'How supply chain sustainability helps unlock resilience andgrowth'. Accenture, 30 March.  ​
  6. Carbon Council, 'What is carbon offsetting and is it worthwhile?', Explainers, 16 January 2023.​
  7. Park,Jisung, 'Will we adapt? Labor productivity and adaption to climate change', Discussion Paper 17-73, Harvard Environmental Economics Program, May 2017. ​
  8. Sustainalytics (n.d.).'Physical climate risk metrics'.
  9. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2022). 'Climate change: A threat to human wellbeing and health of theplanet. Taking action now can secure our future.' Newsroom, 28 February.​
  10. European Commission (2023) ‘Consumer protection: enabling sustainable choices and ending greenwashing’.European Commission.  ​
  11. Ormesher, Ellen, ‘How the regulatory tide is turning against greenwashing brands in 2023’,The Drum, 2023.​
  12. Ramkumar, Amrith; Ballard, Ed; & Shifflett, Shane, 'Companies stall climate action despite earlier promises',WallStreet Journal, 19 September 2023. ​
  13. Levin, Kelly, Boehm, Sophie & Carter, Rebecca, '6 Big Findings from the IPCC 2022 Report on Climate Impacts,Adaptation and Vulnerability', World Resources Institute, February 272022.​
  14. OXFAM International (2020), 'Confronting carbon inequality'.​
  15. United Nations (n.d.). 'Report: Inequalities exacerbate climate impacts on poor'.​
  16. Thich Nhat Hanh, 'Key teachings', Plum Village website.​
  17. Rockström, Johan, 'Interview with Kite Insights', 2022.
  18. Business for Nature, '12 new sector reports to help businesses contribute to halting and reversing nature loss', 2023.​
  19. Mardas, Nicki, Global Canopy, 'Interview with Kite Insights', 2022.
  20. Kite Insights,Every job is a climate job,2022.​
  21. Ibid.​
  22. De Meyer, Kris, 'Transforming the stories we tell aboutclimate change from "issue" to "action"', 1 November 2021.​
  23. Kite Insights, Every job is a climate job, 2022.​
  24. Tómasdóttir, Halla, 'Tosolvethe climate crisis, we must unlock the leader in all of us', 20 December 2021.
I’m in Product Procurement and Buying – What can I do?

Lesson 1: Sourcing products sustainably

  1. Ettinger, Jill, 'What Are the Sephora Clean Beauty Guidelines? Plus: the 87 Qualifying Brands to Shop', Ethos (15 August 2023).   
  2. Natsu, Jennifer, 'Meet the Honorees: Carley Klekas, Principal of Product Sustainability, Sephora', Environmental + Energy Leader (15 March 2022).
  3. Doyle, Megan, 'Unpicking fashion's supply chain tiers & their risks', Trust Trace, 2022.
  4. 'Supply Chain: Going beyond compliance', in Sustainability Report (2022), Levis Strauss & Co. Official website.   
  5. Levi Stauss & Co., Supplier Code of Conduct (May 2022).
  6. 'Supply Chain: Going beyond compliance', in Sustainability Report (2022), Levis Strauss & Co. Official website.

Lesson 2: Decarbonising your product's value chain

  1. Tetrapak, 'Lifecycle assessment: Measuring and assessing the environmental impact of food and beverage cartons', 2023.​
  2. Deloitte, ‘Zero in on… Scopes 1, 2 and 3 emissions – What you need to know’, 2023. ​
  3. Carbon Trust, 'Assurance and Labelling: Product carbon footprint label', 2023.​
  4. Ibid.​
  5. The RE100 Climate Group,Official Website, 2023.​

Lesson 3: Designing for circularity

  1. Kite Insights, Issue Brief: Circular Economy (2023).
  2. 'Client Story: Dizzie – Unlocking the reuse and refill potential of consumer packaging', PA Consulting (2023).
  3. 'Sustainable packaging: We're thinking outside the box', Beauty Counter official website.
  4. Ruiz, Arabella, '17 most worrying textile waste statistics & facts', The Roundup (Updated: 2023).
  5. 2022 Impact Report, thredUP (2023). 
  6. Ibid.
  7. 'Foods waste adds up', Impact, Apeel official website (Updated: 2022). 
  8. Ibid.
  9. Veolia, Veolia and Yara join forces to develop the circular economy in the European food and agriculture sectors’, 22 January 2019.

Lesson 4: Streamlining volume and turnaround times

  1. Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, Global Food Losses and Food Waste (Study conducted for the International Congress SAVE FOOD! at Interpack2011 Düsseldorf, Germany, 2011).
  2. Vargas, Julie, 'Making an impact on food waste: How RFID helps grocers sell more and throw away less',Grocery Dive, 8October 2019). ​
  3. Checkpoint Systems, 'The game changer: RFID technology within the grocery sector', 2022.​
  4. Amed, Imran, et al. 'Fashion on demand', McKinsey & Company, 19 February 2019.
  5. New Dawn Traders,Official website.​
  6. Stover, Thomas, 'Slow Manufacturing: One Sustainable Solution We Can Learn From Rolex, anOrdain, And Others', Fratello, 16 June 2022.​

Lesson 5: Rethinking transport and logistics

  1. Greene, Suzanne, 'Freight Transportation', MIT Climate Portal, 3 February 2023.​
  2. Elenjickal, Mathew, 'The future of sustainable ocean shipping',Forbes, 7 June 2023.​
  3. Kuenhe+Nagel, 'Services: Join us in CO2-neutral transport', (n.d). 
  4. Yara,Presskits: Yara Birkeland, 2023.​
  5. Kuenhe+Nagel, 'Services: Join us in CO2-neutral transport', (n.d). ​
  6. Davies, Caleb, 'The carbon cost of home delivery and how to avoid it', Horizon: The EU Research & Innovation Magazine, 17 February2020.​
  7. UPS, Climate, 'Alternativefuel vehicles shape future deliveries', 8 September 2021.​
  8. Reed, Stanley, 'In London, electric trucks are helping UPS make ‘eco-friendly’ deliveries',The New York Times,21 September 2018.​
  9. Meaningful Business, 'An interview with Rob King', 2022.​
  10. Zedify, 'Our zero emission fleet', 2023.

Lesson 6: Striving for gender equality in supply chains

  1. Harrison, Theresa & Mork, Cate, ‘How diverse sourcing can create more resilient supply chain’, EY, 22 October 2021.​
  2. United Nations Global Impact, ‘Gender Equality’,Business & Human Right Navigator,(n.d).​
  3. Ibid.​
  4. Abouzahr, Katie, et al., ‘Why women-owned startups are a better bet’,Boston Consulting Group, 6 June 2018.​
  5. Gollub, Anna, ‘Understanding the business of gender-responsive procurement’, UNGC Academy Webinar, UN Women, 14 September2023.  ​
  6. Unilever, ‘Promoting diverse suppliers’,Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, Official website.
I’m in Operations and Facilities – What can I do?

Lesson 1: Laying the groundwork

  1. Crown Workplace, 'Giving Back Project', Official website, 2023.​
  2. Ibid.​
  3. Castlegate & Derwent Surgery, 'Sustainability', Official website, 2023.​
  4. Ibid.​
  5. The Sustainable Procurement Pledge, 'Our Strategy', Official website, 2023.​
  6. Ibid.​

Lesson 2: Optimising energy use

  1. United Nations, 'Generating power', in Climate Action, (n.d).​
  2. IRENA, 'Majority of new renewables undercut cheapest fossil fuel on cost', Press Releases, 22 June 2021.​
  3. IRENA, 'Renewables competitiveness accelerates, despite cost inflation', Press Releases, 29 August 2023.

Lesson 3: Harnessing the food revolution

  1. Poore, J., & Nemecek, T., ‘Reducing food’s environmental impacts through producers and consumers’, Science (1 June 2018).​
  2. Ritchie, Hannah, et al., 'Environmental impacts of food production', Our World in Data (2022).​
  3. Kearsey, Emily, 'The legal issues with introducing a meat-free expenses policy', People Management (24 June 2020).​
  4. George, Sarah, 'Sky set to add carbon labels to food at all UK staff restaurants', Edie (24 January 2023).​
  5. Ritchie, Hannah, 'Food waste is responsible for 6% of global greenhouse gas emissions', Our World in Data (18 March 2020).​
  6. Dwyer, Orla, 'Food waste makes up ‘half’ of global food system emissions', Carbon Brief (13 March 2023).​
  7. Too Good to Go, Official website, (2023).​
  8. M&S, 'M&S Food reaches milestone of 50 million meals donated to local charities across UK', M&S website (5 December 2022).​
  9. Ibid.​

Lesson 4: Rethinking transport

  1. Cyclescheme, Case study: Abel & Cole, 2023.  ​
  2. Pod Points, Workplace Charging Scheme, Updated: 2023. ​
  3. Business News Wales, 'Openreach on a Net Zero Journey Challenges Faced to Convert Fleet to EV', 28 November 2022.​
  4. Ibid.​
  5. WWF, WWF UK Policy: Position Statement on Business Travel, 2023.​
  6. Ma, Michelle, 'Business travel is Big Tech’s next climate challenge', Protocol, 16 May 2022.​
  7. Transport and Environment, Rail 10 times better than air in London-Paris CO2 comparison, 25 October 2006.​
  8. Corporate Travel Community, 'Only one in six companies have set targets to reduce emissions from staff business travel', 15 March 2023.

Lesson 5: Retrofitting building stock

  1. World Green Building Council, Bringing embodied carbon upfront (2023).​
  2. UK Green Building Council, Delivering Net Zero: Key Considerations for Commercial Retrofit (May 2022).​
  3. Pinterest, Inspiring a better future: 2021 ESG Impact Report, 2022.​
  4. Ringstrom, Anna, 'IKEA invests $373 mln in solar park projects in Germany, Spain', Reuters, 6 April 2022. ​
  5. Ringstrom, Anna, 'Main IKEA retailer expects to exceed renewable energy goal by year's end', Reuters, 19 September 2019.​
  6. Haiken, 'How to design a more sustainable office space in 2023', Insights, 25 January 2023. ​
  7. Greenery:NYC, 'Etsy HQ', 2023.​
  8. McCarthy, Bonnie, 'Far from a cubicle farm, Etsy’s stylish headquarters is full of design ideas worth bringing home', The Washington Post, 4 February 2020.​
  9. Radcliffe, David, 'Bay View is open — the first campus built by Google', The Keyword, 17 May 2022.
I’m in Marketing and Communications – What can I do?

Lesson 1: 'Green-doing' and reporting responsibly

  1. 'Greenwashing', ClimateEarth (Updated: January 2024). ​
  2. Based on definitions developed by Planet Tracker in their Greenwashing Hydra report and adapted under a creative commons license by Creatives for Climate: Greenwash Watch Toolkit .​
  3. Visram, Talib, 'What is ‘green hushing’? The new negative sustainability trend, explained', Fast Company (3 October 2023). ​
  4. Smout, Alistair & Frost, Laurence, 'Budget carrier Ryanair ordered to drop low-emissions ad claims', Reuters (4 February 2020).​
  5. Makortoff, Kalyeena, 'Watchdog bans HSBC climate ads in fresh blow to bank’s green credentials', The Guardian (19 October 2022).​
  6. Greenpeace International, ‘Greenwashing garbage’: Europe’s Dirty Dozen oil and gas companies produce only 0.3% renewable energy despite deceptive net zero pledges', Press Releases (23 August 2023).  ​
  7. European Parliament News, 'EU to ban greenwashing and improve consumer information on product durability', Press Releases (19 September 2023). ​
  8. Gillison, Douglas & Price, Michelle, 'US SEC cracks down on funds "greenwashing" with new investment requirement', Reuters (20 September 2023).​
  9. Adapted from a LinkedIn post by Dr Sally Uren, Chief Executive of Forum for the Future (November 2023).​

Lesson 2: Connecting with your customers

  1. Frischmann, C. & C. Chissell, 'The powerful role of household actions in solving climate change', Project Drawdown (27 October 2021).​
  2. Potential Energy, Talk like a human: Lessons on how to communicate climate change (2023); Roberts, Freya, 'The Media's call to action: Create climate content the public wants to see and read', Business Green (10 November 2022).​
  3. Oracle + Savanta, 'No Planet B: How Can Businesses and Technology Help Save the World?', 2022 ESG Global Study (2022).​
  4. Innocent Drinks, Sourcing Stories (2023).​
  5. Oatly, The Oatly Sustainability Update 2022 (2022).​
  6. Vivobarefoot, 'Unfinished Business: Integrated Annual Report 2022/2023' (2023).​
  7. Morrisons, Naturally Wonky, Naturally Wonderful (2023).​
  8. Smithers, Rebecca, 'Supermarket shoppers urged to serve "wonky" Christmas dinner', The Guardian (14 December 2018).​
  9. Brompton, 'Activism' (Updated: 2024).

Lesson 3: Building strong relationships

  1. Singh, Shamima, 'Our Mission', Center for Inclusive Growth (n.d).​
  2. Examples of client disclosures reports and sustainability pledges: Futerra and Clean Creatives.​
  3. Cochrane, Lauren, 'Love Island and eBay renew clothing deal after "pre-loved" clothing boost', The Guardian (5 January 2023).​
  4. Zimmerman, Sarah, 'General Mills and Walmart team up to accelerate regenerative agriculture', Supply Chain Dive (24 October 2023).​
  5. Weatherbed, Jess, 'Logitech partners with iFixit for self-repairs', The Verge (17 May 2023).​

Lesson 4: Cleaning up campaigns and events

  1. IKEA, 'The icon is retired. Full steam ahead', The Story of IKEA (updated 2023).​
  2. Good Loop, '76% of marketers think the ad industry is not doing enough to tackle digital advertising's carbon footprint', Company News (updated: 2023).​
  3. Wholegrain Digital, '3 steps to creating zero carbon websites' (21 August 2018).​
  4. Purpose Disruptors, Advertised Emissions Temperature Check 2022 (2022).​
  5. TRACE, by isla, 'Reduce your event carbon footprint with TRACE by isla' (updated: 2023).​
  6. proseed, by isla, 'Sustainable solutions in practice' (updated: 2023).​
  7. Isla, Temperature Check 2022-2023: An exploration of sustainable progress in the UK event industry (May 2023).​
  8. Ecoset, 'About Ecoset' (Updated: 2024).​
  9. Ibid.​

Lesson 5: Activating your workforce

  1. Kite Insights, Every job is a climate job, (2022).​
  2. Ibid.​
  3. Ibid.​
  4. Townsend, Solitaire, 'Are ad agencies, PR firms and lobbyists destroying the climate?', TED (October 2021).​
  5. The Climate Pledge, 'Future Forward documentary series', (updated: 2024).​
  6. Xbox, 'Xbox is now the first carbon aware console, update rolling out to everyone soon', Announcements (11 January 2023).​
  7. Machell, Millicent, 'How Bupa empowers employee climate action', HR Magazine (10 July 2023). ​
  8. Ibid. ​
I’m in Sales or a Client-facing Role – What can I do?

Lesson 1: Educating your team

  1. Kite Insights, Every job is a climate job, (2022).​
  2. Ibid.​
  3. Ibid.​
  4. Project Drawdown, Sales and Client-Facing Roles, Job Function Action Guides, (Updated: 2024).​
  5. Do Nation, Case study: Hill + Knowlton Strategies, Case Studies, (2018).​
  6. Ibid.

Lesson 2: Adapting services to meet client needs

  1. Hairabedian, Jordan, and Holzheuser, Stefan, 'New developments to the CSRD: What are the implications for non-financial disclosures?', EcoAct (13 October 2023).​
  2. Arup & Oxford Economics,The Global Green Economy: Capturing the opportunity (2022). ​
  3. Granskog, Anna, et. al, McKinsey & Company, How companies capture the value of sustainability: Survey findings (28 April 2021).​
  4. LinkedIn, You want to make your company more sustainable. How can client feedback help you get there?, Corporate Sustainability (Undated).

Lesson 3: Integrating sustainability into the sales cycle

  1. Edie, 'One third of US firms losing business by failing to respond to the climate crisis' (18 March 2022). ​
  2. Adapted from: Suri, Devansh, 'A Complete Guide to Sales Cycle: Definition, Stages, and Process', Flavor (28 April 2022).​
  3. Cox, Emma, et al., Time to get serious about the realities of climate risk, The Leadership Agenda, PricewaterhouseCoopers (16 May 2022).

Lesson 4: Assessing your client portfolio

  1. Townsend, Solitaire, 'Are ad agencies, PR firms and lobbyists destroying the climate?', TED (October 2021).​
  2. Barclays, Barclays focuses capital and resources on supporting energy companies to decarbonise, News and Press Releases, (9 February 2024).​
  3. George, Sarah, Barclays to end direct finance for oil and gas expansion, edie, (9 February 2024).​
  4. Clean Creatives, The future of creativity is clean, Official website, (Undated).​
  5. Forsythe, Michael & Bogdanich, Walt, 'At McKinsey, Widespread Furor Over Work With Planet’s Biggest Polluters', The New York Times (27 October 2021).​
  6. Ibid.​
  7. McKinsey & Company, McKinsey launches Catalyst Zero to help clients find and remove carbon across their businesses, McKinsey Blog, (13 July 2022).​
  8. Moral Compass, Make better decisions, together, Official website, (Undated). ​
  9. Tapper, Tom, Businesses don't have a moral compass, people do, Nice and Serious, (13 August 2020).

Lesson 5: Driving systems change with clients

  1. B Corporation, 'Meeting the legal requirement' (undated).​
  2. McEachran, Rich, 'What's the ROI of B Corp certification?', Raconteur (1 December 2023).​
  3. Ibid.​
  4. RSPO, Who we are: Driving change through sustainable palm oil, (Updated: 2024).​
  5. The Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative, Commitment, (Updated: 2024).
Biodiversity & Business – Why does it matter?


  1. Convention on Biological Diversity, Biodiversity and Nature, close but not quite the same (Undated).

Lesson 1: Recognising nature at work

  1. Bees4Life, 'Coffee without bees? Learn why bees are crucial for 40% of the world's coffee production' (Undated). 
  2. International Wool Textile Organization. 'Sheep' (Updated: 2024).
  3. Brown, L.uka, Nature-Positive, 'Nature's medicine: The link between the pharmaceutical industry and biodiversity' (13 January 2022).

Lesson 2: What biodiversity loss means for business

  1. World Economic Forum, Global Risks Report 2024 (January 2024).​
  2. Proxima, What are the risks of not making your supply chain sustainable? (2021).​
  3. Romi, A., and S. Longing, What's the buzz about the birds and the bees?, GreenBiz (2016).​
  4. BloombergNEF, When the Bee Stings: Counting the Cost of Nature-related Risks (9 December 2023).​
  5. Ibid.

Lesson 3: The impacts of business on biodiversity

  1. Almond, R.E.A., Grooten, M., Juffe Bignoli, D. & T. Petersen (eds). WWF  Living Planet Report 2022 – Building a Nature Positive Society, WWF (Switzerland: 2022).​
  2. Brondizio, E. S., Settele, J., Diaz, S., and NgoI, H. T., Global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, PBES (Germany: 2019).
  3. Baldock, K. Opportunities and threats for pollinator conservation in global towns and cities, Insect Science (2020). ​
  4. Lawler, O. K. et al., The Lancet Planetary Health. The COVID-19 pandemic is intricately linked to biodiversity loss and ecosystem health (2021).​
  5. Ogunseitan, Oladele A. 'The Environmental Justice Agenda for E-Waste Management', Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development (2023). ​
  6. WWF, Overfishing, (undated).​
  7. Weeks, Jennifer. 'Invasive species cause billions of dollars in damages worldwide', The Conversation (2023). ​
  8. Igini, Martina, 10 Shocking Statistics about Deforestation (2023).

Lesson 4: Gucci and goats: The case of Kering cashmere

  1. Ansee, Stuart, Sustainable cashmere project: a "steppe" in the right direction, Kering (23 August 2019).​
  2. Kering, Biodiversity Strategy, Sustainability: Safeguarding the planet (undated). 
Biodiversity & Business – What can I do?


  1. Nature Positive Initiative, What is the global goal for nature? (Updated: 2024).​

Lesson 5: What is a nature-positive business?

  1. Convention on Biological Diversity, Global Biodiversity Framework (Updated: 2024).​
  2. Convention on Biological Diversity, Target 15: Businesses Assess, Disclose and Reduce Biodiversity-Related Risks and Negative Impacts (Updated: 2024).

Lesson 6: How business can protect nature

  1. OECD, Biodiversity: Finance and the Economic and Business Case for Action, OECD iLibrary (2019).​
  2. Howe, N., 'Sephora introduces new Clean + Positive Planet seal', Luxury Daily (2021).
  3. Rogers, M., Science: The Common Language between Business and Conservation, The Nature Conservancy (2019).​
  4. Pollinator Partnership, The Pollinator Prairie (Updated: 2024). ​
  5. Unilever, Protecting biodiversity and regenerating nature (Updated: 2024).​
  6. Faith in Nature, What would nature say? (Updated: 2024).​
  7. Fairwild, Fairwild Certification (undated); Ethical Consumer, Ethical Shopping Guide (undated).  ​
  8. Echandi, C. et al., World Economic Forum. How our economy could become more 'nature-positive' (2022).​
  9. Feed, Business Success Stories, How Walmart became a 'Force of Nature' (undated); Walmart, Sustainability (undated); The Cattle Site, Prestigious Sustainability Award For Walmart Brazil (2010).​
  10. COFCO International, COFCO International links sustainability performance to new USD 2.1 billion credit facility (2019).
  11. Business for Nature, Engage with Business for Nature coalition (Updated: 2024).​​​

Lesson 8: Taking action from within your role 

  1. Thich Nhat Hanh, 'Key teachings', Plum Village website (Undated).

Lesson 9: The power of reporting and disclosure

  1. TNFD, The Leap approach (March 2022).​
  2. TNFD, 320 companies and financial institutions to start TNFD nature-related corporate reporting (2024). ​
  3. Global Canopy, Assessing ecologically sensitive locations in a food retailer and distributor’s palm oil supply chain: Reflections from piloting TNFD’s LEAP approach (2023).
Circularity & Business – Why does it matter?


  1. Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 'What is a circular economy?', Circular economy introduction (updated: 2024).  ​

Lesson 1: Our journey to the end of waste

  1. Global Footprint Network, 'Earth Overshoot Day', Home (2024).
  2. Gill, V., Food waste: Amount thrown away totals 900 million tonnes, BBC (2021).
  3. Loth, Shefalee, Three food facts everyone needs to know, Which? (26 June 2019).
  4. Ibid.  
  5. World Bank, What a waste 2.0: A Global Snapshot of Solid Waste Management to 2050 (Undated).
  6. Ibid.
  7. World Economic Forum, Charted: The key countries that trade in global plastic waste (2023).
  8. Ritchie, H. et al., Plastic pollution, Our World in Data (Undated).

Lesson 3: The value paradigm 

  1. Kite Insights, Issue Brief: Circular Economy (2023).

Lesson 4: What's driving the circular transition?

  1. Martin, E., 'Deploying business ecosystems to cope with ecological transformation', Field Actions Science Reports (2023). 
  2. Shone, G., et al., 'The circular economy: A €4.1 trillion opportunity?', EuroNews (2023); McGinty, D., 5 Opportunities of a Circular Economy, World Resources Institute (2021).
  3. Cort, C. et al., Rising Leaders on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change, Yale Center for Business and the Environment (2015).
  4. Ellen MacArthur Foundation. The circular economy as a de-risking strategy and driver of superior risk-adjusted returns (2021).

Lesson 5: From waste to responsibility – A case study 

  1. Lama, Nuru, The world has a waste problem: Here's how to fix it, International Finance Corporation (26 April 2024).
  2. World Wildlife Fund, Extended Producer Responsibility Factsheet (undated).
Circularity & Business – What can I do?


  1. Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 'What is a circular economy?', Circular economy introduction (updated: 2024). 

Lesson 6: Nature's blueprint – Introducing the Butterfly Model

  1. Ellen MacArthur Foundation, The butterfly diagram: Visualising the circular economy (12 February 2021).
  2. Vrzel, Jana, The Circular Economy Basics Series - The Technical Cycle, Circular Innovation Lab (10 October 2022).
  3. Ibid.
  4. Ibid.
  5. Ibid.

Lesson 7: The shape of forever – Slowing and closing loops

  1. Signify, Light as a Service (updated: 2025); Darsy, Francois, 'Circular lighting to protect value', Field Actions Science Reports (2021).
  2. iFixit, Home Page (updated: 2025).
  3. Miele, Miele Experience (updated: 2025).
  4. Fairphone, Home Page (updated: 2025).
  5. Library of Things, How Borrowing Works (updated: 2025).
  6. Höganäs AB, 'Residual heat and carbon dioxide from Höganäs will give life to greenhouses and fish farms (5 September 2016).
  7. Interface, Sustainability (updated: 2025)

Lesson 9: Company-wide action – Turning challenges into successes

  1. Melati, Kuntum et al., Barriers and drivers for enterprises to transition to circular economy, Stockholm Environment Institute (November 2021).
  2. Jaeger, Bjoern & Upadhyay, Arvind, 'Understanding barriers to circular economy: cases from the manufacturing industry', Journal of Enterprise Information Management (13 March 2020).
  3. Ibid.
  4. Melati, Kuntum et al., Barriers and drivers for enterprises to transition to circular economy, Stockholm Environment Institute (November 2021).
  5. Meng, Fanran et al., Replacing plastics with alternatives is worse for greenhouse gas emissions in most cases', Environmental Science & Technology (30 January 2024).
  6. CE100, Co. Project, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, PA Consulting Group & Walmart, Keeping customer connections: Why customer relationships don’t have to end at the point of sale – Lessons from the circular economy (undated).
  7. Shull, Dave & Bland, Rob, How HP is finding success in circularity, McKinsey Sustainability (16 May 2024); Nassar, Anis & Saenz, Hernan, The circular transformation of industries: Unlocking economic value, World Economic Forum (17 December 2024).
  8. Benton, Sarah, Circular supply chains: 9 focus areas to maximise impact, Trellis (2 April 2024).
  9. Danone, Regenerative agriculture (undated).