Learning content references
Below you can find references for all of our learning content.
Welcome to Hurd
From Crisis to Power
- Lovins, Hunter (President of Natural Capital Solutions), Video Interview with Kite Insights (2023).
- Earth4All, 'The Five Extraordinary Turnarounds' (undated).
- Project Drawdown, Job Function Action Guides, Climate Solutions at Work (updated: 2025).
- Dixon-Paver, Sandrine (Co-President of the Club of Rome), Video Interview with Kite Insights (2023).
- Clemente, Antoine (Software Developer and Hurd Changemaker), Video Interview with Kite Insights (2024).
I’m in Human Resources – What can I do?
Lesson 1: Upskilling your colleagues
- Kite Insights, ‘Every job is a climate job: Why corporate transformation needs climate literacy’, Updated: 2023.
- Ibid.
- Sharp, Rachel, ‘Tackling our climate emergency: HR’s role’, HR Magazine, 15 July 2019.
- Schneider Electric, ‘Schneider Electric’s first Sustainability School opens for enrolment’, 22 May 2023.
- Ibid.
Lesson 2: Incentivising action
- WWF (2013). WWF UK Policy: Position Statement on Business Travel. Available at: https://assets.wwf.org.uk/downloads/business_travel_ps_0709.pdf
- Ro, Christine, ‘Smart Travel: Some firms give more time off to those who shun plane travel’, BBC.com, 17 September 2019.
- ‘Home’, Climate Perks website (climateperks.com).
Wynes, S. and Nicholas, K. A., ‘The climate mitigation gap: education and government recommendations miss the most effective individual actions’, Environ. Res. Lett. 12 074024, 2017.
Lesson 3: Leveraging pensions
- Statista Research Department, ‘Investments of pension funds in the United Kingdom (UK) 2006-2021', May 16, 2023.
- Sheppard, Emma, ‘The all-female, grassroots network moving millions away from fossil fuels’, Positive News, 25 August 2023.
- Make My Money Matter, ‘The Green Pensions Guide: For organisations committed to Making their Money Matter’, 2021.
- Foye, Lauren, ‘Employers neglecting green pensions: 70% of employees want their retirement fund invested sustainably, yet 1 in 5 employers have never heard of ‘green pensions’’, Zero Carbon Academy, 18 October 2022.
- Make My Money Matter, 'Want to know where your pension goes? Meet Oblivia Coalmine', Updated: 2024.
- Haurant, Sandra, ‘Green your pension: How you can help the environment’, The Guardian, 4 October 2022.
- Make My Money Matter, ‘The Green Pensions Guide: For organisations committed to Making their Money Matter’, 2021.
- Ibid.
Lesson 4: Hiring tomorrow’s climate champions
- Parmelee, M. et al., ‘How climate has become a key player in the fight for talent’, World Wildlife Fund, 9 February 2022; De Buitleir, Daithi, ‘Employees, cost and profit: Here’s why “green companies” are winning’, Wayleadr, 21 June 2022.
- ‘Careers’: Become an Interfacer, Inferface website (www.interface.com).
- ‘Retail assistant: Patagonia’, Ethical Jobs website, posted: 27 June 2023.
- ‘The intersections between climate and diversity, equity and inclusion’, WTW, 26 April 2023.
Lesson 5: Creating a green team
- Kite Insights, ‘Every job is a climate job: Why corporate transformation needs climate literacy’, Updated: 2023.
- Wilkinson, Drew, ‘The critical role of employee sustainability communities and how to build one’,Green Tech Blog, 18April 2023.
- Ibid.
- Bergen, Mark, & Day, Matt, ‘Big tech helps big oil pump more, belying climate pledges’,Bloomberg, 16 August 2022.
- Wilkinson, Drew, ‘The critical role of employee sustainability communities and how to build one’,Green Tech Blog, 18April 2023.
Lesson 6: Dealing with Climate Anxiety
- Lertzman, Renée, ‘How to turn climate anxiety into action’, Ted Women 2019.
- Schechter, David, et al., ‘As climate changes, climate anxiety rises in youth’, March 2023.
- Greenhalgh, Tim, ‘Eco anxiety in the workplace’, SaveMoneyCutCarbon.
- Ibid.
- Richards, Lauren, ‘Flavours for change: How Ben and Jerry’s uses ice cream names for activism’, 3 November 2022.
Where do I start? Learning about my organisation
- Ramkumar, Amrith, Ballard, Ed, & Shifflett, Shane (2023), 'Companies stall climate action despite earlier promises'. Wall Street Journal, 19 September.
- Cummis, Cynthia (2015).'This is leadership: Why companies are setting emissions goals based on science'. Science-based Targets Initiative: 20 May.
- IRENA, 'Renewable Power Remains Cost-Competitive amid Fossil Fuel Crisis', Press Releases, 13 July 2022.
- United Nations, 'Renewable energy – Powering a safer future', Climate Action.
- Timmerman, Kris & Pollmann-Larsen, Matias (2023).'How supply chain sustainability helps unlock resilience andgrowth'. Accenture, 30 March.
- Carbon Council, 'What is carbon offsetting and is it worthwhile?', Explainers, 16 January 2023.
- Park,Jisung, 'Will we adapt? Labor productivity and adaption to climate change', Discussion Paper 17-73, Harvard Environmental Economics Program, May 2017.
- Sustainalytics (n.d.).'Physical climate risk metrics'.
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2022). 'Climate change: A threat to human wellbeing and health of theplanet. Taking action now can secure our future.' Newsroom, 28 February.
- European Commission (2023) ‘Consumer protection: enabling sustainable choices and ending greenwashing’.European Commission.
- Ormesher, Ellen, ‘How the regulatory tide is turning against greenwashing brands in 2023’,The Drum, 2023.
- Ramkumar, Amrith; Ballard, Ed; & Shifflett, Shane, 'Companies stall climate action despite earlier promises',WallStreet Journal, 19 September 2023.
- Levin, Kelly, Boehm, Sophie & Carter, Rebecca, '6 Big Findings from the IPCC 2022 Report on Climate Impacts,Adaptation and Vulnerability', World Resources Institute, February 272022.
- OXFAM International (2020), 'Confronting carbon inequality'.
- United Nations (n.d.). 'Report: Inequalities exacerbate climate impacts on poor'.
- Thich Nhat Hanh, 'Key teachings', Plum Village website.
- Rockström, Johan, 'Interview with Kite Insights', 2022.
- Business for Nature, '12 new sector reports to help businesses contribute to halting and reversing nature loss', 2023.
- Mardas, Nicki, Global Canopy, 'Interview with Kite Insights', 2022.
- Kite Insights,Every job is a climate job,2022.
- Ibid.
- De Meyer, Kris, 'Transforming the stories we tell aboutclimate change from "issue" to "action"', 1 November 2021.
- Kite Insights, Every job is a climate job, 2022.
- Tómasdóttir, Halla, 'Tosolvethe climate crisis, we must unlock the leader in all of us', 20 December 2021.
I’m in Product Procurement and Buying – What can I do?
Lesson 1: Sourcing products sustainably
- Ettinger, Jill, 'What Are the Sephora Clean Beauty Guidelines? Plus: the 87 Qualifying Brands to Shop', Ethos (15 August 2023).
- Natsu, Jennifer, 'Meet the Honorees: Carley Klekas, Principal of Product Sustainability, Sephora', Environmental + Energy Leader (15 March 2022).
- Doyle, Megan, 'Unpicking fashion's supply chain tiers & their risks', Trust Trace, 2022.
- 'Supply Chain: Going beyond compliance', in Sustainability Report (2022), Levis Strauss & Co. Official website.
- Levi Stauss & Co., Supplier Code of Conduct (May 2022).
- 'Supply Chain: Going beyond compliance', in Sustainability Report (2022), Levis Strauss & Co. Official website.
Lesson 2: Decarbonising your product's value chain
- Tetrapak, 'Lifecycle assessment: Measuring and assessing the environmental impact of food and beverage cartons', 2023.
- Deloitte, ‘Zero in on… Scopes 1, 2 and 3 emissions – What you need to know’, 2023.
- Carbon Trust, 'Assurance and Labelling: Product carbon footprint label', 2023.
- Ibid.
- The RE100 Climate Group,Official Website, 2023.
Lesson 3: Designing for circularity
- Kite Insights, Issue Brief: Circular Economy (2023).
- 'Client Story: Dizzie – Unlocking the reuse and refill potential of consumer packaging', PA Consulting (2023).
- 'Sustainable packaging: We're thinking outside the box', Beauty Counter official website.
- Ruiz, Arabella, '17 most worrying textile waste statistics & facts', The Roundup (Updated: 2023).
- 2022 Impact Report, thredUP (2023).
- Ibid.
- 'Foods waste adds up', Impact, Apeel official website (Updated: 2022).
- Ibid.
- Veolia, ‘Veolia and Yara join forces to develop the circular economy in the European food and agriculture sectors’, 22 January 2019.
Lesson 4: Streamlining volume and turnaround times
- Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, Global Food Losses and Food Waste (Study conducted for the International Congress SAVE FOOD! at Interpack2011 Düsseldorf, Germany, 2011).
- Vargas, Julie, 'Making an impact on food waste: How RFID helps grocers sell more and throw away less',Grocery Dive, 8October 2019).
- Checkpoint Systems, 'The game changer: RFID technology within the grocery sector', 2022.
- Amed, Imran, et al. 'Fashion on demand', McKinsey & Company, 19 February 2019.
- New Dawn Traders,Official website.
- Stover, Thomas, 'Slow Manufacturing: One Sustainable Solution We Can Learn From Rolex, anOrdain, And Others', Fratello, 16 June 2022.
Lesson 5: Rethinking transport and logistics
- Greene, Suzanne, 'Freight Transportation', MIT Climate Portal, 3 February 2023.
- Elenjickal, Mathew, 'The future of sustainable ocean shipping',Forbes, 7 June 2023.
- Kuenhe+Nagel, 'Services: Join us in CO2-neutral transport', (n.d).
- Yara,Presskits: Yara Birkeland, 2023.
- Kuenhe+Nagel, 'Services: Join us in CO2-neutral transport', (n.d).
- Davies, Caleb, 'The carbon cost of home delivery and how to avoid it', Horizon: The EU Research & Innovation Magazine, 17 February2020.
- UPS, Climate, 'Alternativefuel vehicles shape future deliveries', 8 September 2021.
- Reed, Stanley, 'In London, electric trucks are helping UPS make ‘eco-friendly’ deliveries',The New York Times,21 September 2018.
- Meaningful Business, 'An interview with Rob King', 2022.
- Zedify, 'Our zero emission fleet', 2023.
Lesson 6: Striving for gender equality in supply chains
- Harrison, Theresa & Mork, Cate, ‘How diverse sourcing can create more resilient supply chain’, EY, 22 October 2021.
- United Nations Global Impact, ‘Gender Equality’,Business & Human Right Navigator,(n.d).
- Ibid.
- Abouzahr, Katie, et al., ‘Why women-owned startups are a better bet’,Boston Consulting Group, 6 June 2018.
- Gollub, Anna, ‘Understanding the business of gender-responsive procurement’, UNGC Academy Webinar, UN Women, 14 September2023.
- Unilever, ‘Promoting diverse suppliers’,Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, Official website.
I’m in Operations and Facilities – What can I do?
Lesson 1: Laying the groundwork
- Crown Workplace, 'Giving Back Project', Official website, 2023.
- Ibid.
- Castlegate & Derwent Surgery, 'Sustainability', Official website, 2023.
- Ibid.
- The Sustainable Procurement Pledge, 'Our Strategy', Official website, 2023.
- Ibid.
Lesson 2: Optimising energy use
- United Nations, 'Generating power', in Climate Action, (n.d).
- IRENA, 'Majority of new renewables undercut cheapest fossil fuel on cost', Press Releases, 22 June 2021.
- IRENA, 'Renewables competitiveness accelerates, despite cost inflation', Press Releases, 29 August 2023.
Lesson 3: Harnessing the food revolution
- Poore, J., & Nemecek, T., ‘Reducing food’s environmental impacts through producers and consumers’, Science (1 June 2018).
- Ritchie, Hannah, et al., 'Environmental impacts of food production', Our World in Data (2022).
- Kearsey, Emily, 'The legal issues with introducing a meat-free expenses policy', People Management (24 June 2020).
- George, Sarah, 'Sky set to add carbon labels to food at all UK staff restaurants', Edie (24 January 2023).
- Ritchie, Hannah, 'Food waste is responsible for 6% of global greenhouse gas emissions', Our World in Data (18 March 2020).
- Dwyer, Orla, 'Food waste makes up ‘half’ of global food system emissions', Carbon Brief (13 March 2023).
- Too Good to Go, Official website, (2023).
- M&S, 'M&S Food reaches milestone of 50 million meals donated to local charities across UK', M&S website (5 December 2022).
- Ibid.
Lesson 4: Rethinking transport
- Cyclescheme, Case study: Abel & Cole, 2023.
- Pod Points, Workplace Charging Scheme, Updated: 2023.
- Business News Wales, 'Openreach on a Net Zero Journey Challenges Faced to Convert Fleet to EV', 28 November 2022.
- Ibid.
- WWF, WWF UK Policy: Position Statement on Business Travel, 2023.
- Ma, Michelle, 'Business travel is Big Tech’s next climate challenge', Protocol, 16 May 2022.
- Transport and Environment, Rail 10 times better than air in London-Paris CO2 comparison, 25 October 2006.
- Corporate Travel Community, 'Only one in six companies have set targets to reduce emissions from staff business travel', 15 March 2023.
Lesson 5: Retrofitting building stock
- World Green Building Council, Bringing embodied carbon upfront (2023).
- UK Green Building Council, Delivering Net Zero: Key Considerations for Commercial Retrofit (May 2022).
- Pinterest, Inspiring a better future: 2021 ESG Impact Report, 2022.
- Ringstrom, Anna, 'IKEA invests $373 mln in solar park projects in Germany, Spain', Reuters, 6 April 2022.
- Ringstrom, Anna, 'Main IKEA retailer expects to exceed renewable energy goal by year's end', Reuters, 19 September 2019.
- Haiken, 'How to design a more sustainable office space in 2023', Insights, 25 January 2023.
- Greenery:NYC, 'Etsy HQ', 2023.
- McCarthy, Bonnie, 'Far from a cubicle farm, Etsy’s stylish headquarters is full of design ideas worth bringing home', The Washington Post, 4 February 2020.
- Radcliffe, David, 'Bay View is open — the first campus built by Google', The Keyword, 17 May 2022.
I’m in Marketing and Communications – What can I do?
Lesson 1: 'Green-doing' and reporting responsibly
- 'Greenwashing', ClimateEarth (Updated: January 2024).
- Based on definitions developed by Planet Tracker in their Greenwashing Hydra report and adapted under a creative commons license by Creatives for Climate: Greenwash Watch Toolkit .
- Visram, Talib, 'What is ‘green hushing’? The new negative sustainability trend, explained', Fast Company (3 October 2023).
- Smout, Alistair & Frost, Laurence, 'Budget carrier Ryanair ordered to drop low-emissions ad claims', Reuters (4 February 2020).
- Makortoff, Kalyeena, 'Watchdog bans HSBC climate ads in fresh blow to bank’s green credentials', The Guardian (19 October 2022).
- Greenpeace International, ‘Greenwashing garbage’: Europe’s Dirty Dozen oil and gas companies produce only 0.3% renewable energy despite deceptive net zero pledges', Press Releases (23 August 2023).
- European Parliament News, 'EU to ban greenwashing and improve consumer information on product durability', Press Releases (19 September 2023).
- Gillison, Douglas & Price, Michelle, 'US SEC cracks down on funds "greenwashing" with new investment requirement', Reuters (20 September 2023).
- Adapted from a LinkedIn post by Dr Sally Uren, Chief Executive of Forum for the Future (November 2023).
Lesson 2: Connecting with your customers
- Frischmann, C. & C. Chissell, 'The powerful role of household actions in solving climate change', Project Drawdown (27 October 2021).
- Potential Energy, Talk like a human: Lessons on how to communicate climate change (2023); Roberts, Freya, 'The Media's call to action: Create climate content the public wants to see and read', Business Green (10 November 2022).
- Oracle + Savanta, 'No Planet B: How Can Businesses and Technology Help Save the World?', 2022 ESG Global Study (2022).
- Innocent Drinks, Sourcing Stories (2023).
- Oatly, The Oatly Sustainability Update 2022 (2022).
- Vivobarefoot, 'Unfinished Business: Integrated Annual Report 2022/2023' (2023).
- Morrisons, Naturally Wonky, Naturally Wonderful (2023).
- Smithers, Rebecca, 'Supermarket shoppers urged to serve "wonky" Christmas dinner', The Guardian (14 December 2018).
- Brompton, 'Activism' (Updated: 2024).
Lesson 3: Building strong relationships
- Singh, Shamima, 'Our Mission', Center for Inclusive Growth (n.d).
- Examples of client disclosures reports and sustainability pledges: Futerra and Clean Creatives.
- Cochrane, Lauren, 'Love Island and eBay renew clothing deal after "pre-loved" clothing boost', The Guardian (5 January 2023).
- Zimmerman, Sarah, 'General Mills and Walmart team up to accelerate regenerative agriculture', Supply Chain Dive (24 October 2023).
- Weatherbed, Jess, 'Logitech partners with iFixit for self-repairs', The Verge (17 May 2023).
Lesson 4: Cleaning up campaigns and events
- IKEA, 'The icon is retired. Full steam ahead', The Story of IKEA (updated 2023).
- Good Loop, '76% of marketers think the ad industry is not doing enough to tackle digital advertising's carbon footprint', Company News (updated: 2023).
- Wholegrain Digital, '3 steps to creating zero carbon websites' (21 August 2018).
- Purpose Disruptors, Advertised Emissions Temperature Check 2022 (2022).
- TRACE, by isla, 'Reduce your event carbon footprint with TRACE by isla' (updated: 2023).
- proseed, by isla, 'Sustainable solutions in practice' (updated: 2023).
- Isla, Temperature Check 2022-2023: An exploration of sustainable progress in the UK event industry (May 2023).
- Ecoset, 'About Ecoset' (Updated: 2024).
- Ibid.
Lesson 5: Activating your workforce
- Kite Insights, Every job is a climate job, (2022).
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Townsend, Solitaire, 'Are ad agencies, PR firms and lobbyists destroying the climate?', TED (October 2021).
- The Climate Pledge, 'Future Forward documentary series', (updated: 2024).
- Xbox, 'Xbox is now the first carbon aware console, update rolling out to everyone soon', Announcements (11 January 2023).
- Machell, Millicent, 'How Bupa empowers employee climate action', HR Magazine (10 July 2023).
- Ibid.
I’m in Sales or a Client-facing Role – What can I do?
Lesson 1: Educating your team
- Kite Insights, Every job is a climate job, (2022).
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Project Drawdown, Sales and Client-Facing Roles, Job Function Action Guides, (Updated: 2024).
- Do Nation, Case study: Hill + Knowlton Strategies, Case Studies, (2018).
- Ibid.
Lesson 2: Adapting services to meet client needs
- Hairabedian, Jordan, and Holzheuser, Stefan, 'New developments to the CSRD: What are the implications for non-financial disclosures?', EcoAct (13 October 2023).
- Arup & Oxford Economics,The Global Green Economy: Capturing the opportunity (2022).
- Granskog, Anna, et. al, McKinsey & Company, How companies capture the value of sustainability: Survey findings (28 April 2021).
- LinkedIn, You want to make your company more sustainable. How can client feedback help you get there?, Corporate Sustainability (Undated).
Lesson 3: Integrating sustainability into the sales cycle
- Edie, 'One third of US firms losing business by failing to respond to the climate crisis' (18 March 2022).
- Adapted from: Suri, Devansh, 'A Complete Guide to Sales Cycle: Definition, Stages, and Process', Flavor (28 April 2022).
- Cox, Emma, et al., Time to get serious about the realities of climate risk, The Leadership Agenda, PricewaterhouseCoopers (16 May 2022).
Lesson 4: Assessing your client portfolio
- Townsend, Solitaire, 'Are ad agencies, PR firms and lobbyists destroying the climate?', TED (October 2021).
- Barclays, Barclays focuses capital and resources on supporting energy companies to decarbonise, News and Press Releases, (9 February 2024).
- George, Sarah, Barclays to end direct finance for oil and gas expansion, edie, (9 February 2024).
- Clean Creatives, The future of creativity is clean, Official website, (Undated).
- Forsythe, Michael & Bogdanich, Walt, 'At McKinsey, Widespread Furor Over Work With Planet’s Biggest Polluters', The New York Times (27 October 2021).
- Ibid.
- McKinsey & Company, McKinsey launches Catalyst Zero to help clients find and remove carbon across their businesses, McKinsey Blog, (13 July 2022).
- Moral Compass, Make better decisions, together, Official website, (Undated).
- Tapper, Tom, Businesses don't have a moral compass, people do, Nice and Serious, (13 August 2020).
Lesson 5: Driving systems change with clients
- B Corporation, 'Meeting the legal requirement' (undated).
- McEachran, Rich, 'What's the ROI of B Corp certification?', Raconteur (1 December 2023).
- Ibid.
- RSPO, Who we are: Driving change through sustainable palm oil, (Updated: 2024).
- The Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative, Commitment, (Updated: 2024).
Biodiversity & Business – Why does it matter?
- Convention on Biological Diversity, Biodiversity and Nature, close but not quite the same (Undated).
Lesson 1: Recognising nature at work
- Bees4Life, 'Coffee without bees? Learn why bees are crucial for 40% of the world's coffee production' (Undated).
- International Wool Textile Organization. 'Sheep' (Updated: 2024).
- Brown, L.uka, Nature-Positive, 'Nature's medicine: The link between the pharmaceutical industry and biodiversity' (13 January 2022).
Lesson 2: What biodiversity loss means for business
- World Economic Forum, Global Risks Report 2024 (January 2024).
- Proxima, What are the risks of not making your supply chain sustainable? (2021).
- Romi, A., and S. Longing, What's the buzz about the birds and the bees?, GreenBiz (2016).
- BloombergNEF, When the Bee Stings: Counting the Cost of Nature-related Risks (9 December 2023).
- Ibid.
Lesson 3: The impacts of business on biodiversity
- Almond, R.E.A., Grooten, M., Juffe Bignoli, D. & T. Petersen (eds). WWF Living Planet Report 2022 – Building a Nature Positive Society, WWF (Switzerland: 2022).
- Brondizio, E. S., Settele, J., Diaz, S., and NgoI, H. T., Global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, PBES (Germany: 2019).
- Baldock, K. Opportunities and threats for pollinator conservation in global towns and cities, Insect Science (2020).
- Lawler, O. K. et al., The Lancet Planetary Health. The COVID-19 pandemic is intricately linked to biodiversity loss and ecosystem health (2021).
- Ogunseitan, Oladele A. 'The Environmental Justice Agenda for E-Waste Management', Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development (2023).
- WWF, Overfishing, (undated).
- Weeks, Jennifer. 'Invasive species cause billions of dollars in damages worldwide', The Conversation (2023).
- Igini, Martina, 10 Shocking Statistics about Deforestation (2023).
Lesson 4: Gucci and goats: The case of Kering cashmere
- Ansee, Stuart, Sustainable cashmere project: a "steppe" in the right direction, Kering (23 August 2019).
- Kering, Biodiversity Strategy, Sustainability: Safeguarding the planet (undated).
Biodiversity & Business – What can I do?
- Nature Positive Initiative, What is the global goal for nature? (Updated: 2024).
Lesson 5: What is a nature-positive business?
- Convention on Biological Diversity, Global Biodiversity Framework (Updated: 2024).
- Convention on Biological Diversity, Target 15: Businesses Assess, Disclose and Reduce Biodiversity-Related Risks and Negative Impacts (Updated: 2024).
Lesson 6: How business can protect nature
- OECD, Biodiversity: Finance and the Economic and Business Case for Action, OECD iLibrary (2019).
- Howe, N., 'Sephora introduces new Clean + Positive Planet seal', Luxury Daily (2021).
- Rogers, M., Science: The Common Language between Business and Conservation, The Nature Conservancy (2019).
- Pollinator Partnership, The Pollinator Prairie (Updated: 2024).
- Unilever, Protecting biodiversity and regenerating nature (Updated: 2024).
- Faith in Nature, What would nature say? (Updated: 2024).
- Fairwild, Fairwild Certification (undated); Ethical Consumer, Ethical Shopping Guide (undated).
- Echandi, C. et al., World Economic Forum. How our economy could become more 'nature-positive' (2022).
- Feed, Business Success Stories, How Walmart became a 'Force of Nature' (undated); Walmart, Sustainability (undated); The Cattle Site, Prestigious Sustainability Award For Walmart Brazil (2010).
- COFCO International, COFCO International links sustainability performance to new USD 2.1 billion credit facility (2019).
- Business for Nature, Engage with Business for Nature coalition (Updated: 2024).
Lesson 8: Taking action from within your role
- Thich Nhat Hanh, 'Key teachings', Plum Village website (Undated).
Lesson 9: The power of reporting and disclosure
- TNFD, The Leap approach (March 2022).
- TNFD, 320 companies and financial institutions to start TNFD nature-related corporate reporting (2024).
- Global Canopy, Assessing ecologically sensitive locations in a food retailer and distributor’s palm oil supply chain: Reflections from piloting TNFD’s LEAP approach (2023).
Circularity & Business – Why does it matter?
- Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 'What is a circular economy?', Circular economy introduction (updated: 2024).
Lesson 1: Our journey to the end of waste
- Global Footprint Network, 'Earth Overshoot Day', Home (2024).
- Gill, V., Food waste: Amount thrown away totals 900 million tonnes, BBC (2021).
- Loth, Shefalee, Three food facts everyone needs to know, Which? (26 June 2019).
- Ibid.
- World Bank, What a waste 2.0: A Global Snapshot of Solid Waste Management to 2050 (Undated).
- Ibid.
- World Economic Forum, Charted: The key countries that trade in global plastic waste (2023).
- Ritchie, H. et al., Plastic pollution, Our World in Data (Undated).
Lesson 3: The value paradigm
- Kite Insights, Issue Brief: Circular Economy (2023).
Lesson 4: What's driving the circular transition?
- Martin, E., 'Deploying business ecosystems to cope with ecological transformation', Field Actions Science Reports (2023).
- Shone, G., et al., 'The circular economy: A €4.1 trillion opportunity?', EuroNews (2023); McGinty, D., 5 Opportunities of a Circular Economy, World Resources Institute (2021).
- Cort, C. et al., Rising Leaders on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change, Yale Center for Business and the Environment (2015).
- Ellen MacArthur Foundation. The circular economy as a de-risking strategy and driver of superior risk-adjusted returns (2021).
Lesson 5: From waste to responsibility – A case study
- Lama, Nuru, The world has a waste problem: Here's how to fix it, International Finance Corporation (26 April 2024).
- World Wildlife Fund, Extended Producer Responsibility Factsheet (undated).
Circularity & Business – What can I do?
- Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 'What is a circular economy?', Circular economy introduction (updated: 2024).
Lesson 6: Nature's blueprint – Introducing the Butterfly Model
- Ellen MacArthur Foundation, The butterfly diagram: Visualising the circular economy (12 February 2021).
- Vrzel, Jana, The Circular Economy Basics Series - The Technical Cycle, Circular Innovation Lab (10 October 2022).
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
Lesson 7: The shape of forever – Slowing and closing loops
- Signify, Light as a Service (updated: 2025); Darsy, Francois, 'Circular lighting to protect value', Field Actions Science Reports (2021).
- iFixit, Home Page (updated: 2025).
- Miele, Miele Experience (updated: 2025).
- Fairphone, Home Page (updated: 2025).
- Library of Things, How Borrowing Works (updated: 2025).
- Höganäs AB, 'Residual heat and carbon dioxide from Höganäs will give life to greenhouses and fish farms (5 September 2016).
- Interface, Sustainability (updated: 2025)
Lesson 9: Company-wide action – Turning challenges into successes
- Melati, Kuntum et al., Barriers and drivers for enterprises to transition to circular economy, Stockholm Environment Institute (November 2021).
- Jaeger, Bjoern & Upadhyay, Arvind, 'Understanding barriers to circular economy: cases from the manufacturing industry', Journal of Enterprise Information Management (13 March 2020).
- Ibid.
- Melati, Kuntum et al., Barriers and drivers for enterprises to transition to circular economy, Stockholm Environment Institute (November 2021).
- Meng, Fanran et al., Replacing plastics with alternatives is worse for greenhouse gas emissions in most cases', Environmental Science & Technology (30 January 2024).
- CE100, Co. Project, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, PA Consulting Group & Walmart, Keeping customer connections: Why customer relationships don’t have to end at the point of sale – Lessons from the circular economy (undated).
- Shull, Dave & Bland, Rob, How HP is finding success in circularity, McKinsey Sustainability (16 May 2024); Nassar, Anis & Saenz, Hernan, The circular transformation of industries: Unlocking economic value, World Economic Forum (17 December 2024).
- Benton, Sarah, Circular supply chains: 9 focus areas to maximise impact, Trellis (2 April 2024).
- Danone, Regenerative agriculture (undated).